How to share the created flash flippage book with friends by email or book URL?
FlippingBook Creator provides 2 methods for you to share output flipbook with friends.
The first method: email.
1 Click "Convert to Flipping Book".
2 Check "*.zip" from the top three output types.
3 Browse an output folder to contain the outpu zip file.
4 Click "Convert".
Come here you have created a compressed flash flip file sufix "ZIP" . Now maybe you should email it to friends. Please firstly login you email box, secondly compose a mail and enter your receivers addresses, thirdly write what you want to say such as "Its my fresh flash flipping book, I send to you to preview...", finally you should find these similar words "Attach file" and click it to find the ZIP file from local PC directory you put the ZIP flash book in. After attach it in email, you could send it.
Now just you complete it half sharing task. Another part belong to your receivers. When they find your mail there in their email box, they would open it and download the attachment like to their local disk directory. As a compressed file, your receivers should firstly uncompress it like
. Finally your receiver can open the file "index.html". Fortunately they would read your flash page-turning book. Now you have completed your share job.
The second sharing method: send flipping book URL to other.
Like above illustration show, we should set the left red rectangle "share settings". 1 Switch "Share Button" hide to show. 2 Enter a email subject for "Email Subject". 3 Enter a URL stand for the flash book you plan to upload to you website. Here I should emphasize the third point.
If you plan to upload these files to one directory named "myflashbook" by FTP, your flash flipbook URL address is Obviously, you should enter "" into the form "Email Body" replace "{link}".
After visit, if you want to share with the flash stunning page-turning online eBook, only you can click "Share Button" to email the book URL to your friend.
Note: aim at the second sharing method, of course, you can directly send your flash book URL to your firends by mail without click the "Share Button".